The passing of Taco Bob in March of 2020 certainly affected Kalamazoo. The business owner and restauranteur was loved by all that knew him. Kind. Positive. Just a really friendly, wonderful person. It’s only fitting that his legacy would live on in a foundation established to, quote, “support individuals and organizations in the greater Kalamazoo area.”
According to a recent Facebook post from Taco Bob‘s official page, the Taco Bob Foundation‘s inaugural fundraiser kicks off September 10th. The folks behind the event are still looking for event volunteers, local businesses to donate auction items, and the community to dig down and show up with financial donations. Click here to learn more and be a part of the continued legacy of a Kalamazoo legend.
One quick suggestion to the event coordinators, since every fundraiser in Kalamazoo has to have some sort of walk/run associated with it, I suggest the Walking Taco 5K; a very delicious Kalamazoo tribute.