KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – Both the city of Kalamazoo and Kalamazoo County officials say they are already bracing for the impact of any cuts that may come down from the Trump administration.
City Finance Director Steve Ascenzi says they have identified what programs are supported by federal dollars and most of them are for construction projects, $100-million alone for roads, but he says they won’t be starting anything they can’t finish.
“If they get pulled part way through, that we have funds to complete those projects, when you talk about 100 million that’s a lot, but we don’t do 100-million all at once,” he says.
County Administrator Kevin Catlin says they are also identifying programs that could be impacted by federal cuts, and will have a list of programs and any impact of cuts prepared for commissioners at their next meeting.
“That overview of how it will effect staff, but then also the constituents that we serve, as well as the programs that we deliver on behalf of our residents.”
County commissioner Monteze Morales is encouraging people to get in touch with their elected representatives in Congress and let them know how you feel.
“When you are calling your reps…1 or 2 comments because they are taking many calls a day, my constituents recommended that you have them read it back, just to make sure your points are on there.”
Local units may be able to reallocate funding to replace some lost federal dollars, but their only other option could be cuts, and that could also mean layoffs.
If and until President Trump is able to untangle his plans from the wave of court challenges they now face, local officials won’t know just how big the challenge will be.