KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – Improvements are being planned by Kzoo Parks for Milham Park.
The Kalamazoo city commission authorized the Department of Parks and Recreation to apply for Michigan Department of Natural Resources Land and Water Conservation Fund Grants of $500,000.
The city would match the $500,000 through the Capital Improvement Plan along with another $326,400 in funding.
Kzoo Parks is also seeking Recreation Passport grants from the DNR for $150,000 to pay for several projects at Milham Park.
Among the improvements planned are renovating the major parking lot on the corner of Kilgore Road and Lovers Lane, updated and modernized trails and wooden deck overlooks, installing a new parking lot on Lovers Lane, and building a new ADA complaint shelter and tables.
If the DNR approves the applications, Kzoo Parks says work will start in 2026.